Jobs for MPHM Grads

What can you do with an MPHM degree?
Explore these websites for job postings and career ideas

Featured Employers

Agriculture and Horticulture

Job postings

Environmental Sciences

  • US Forest Service and other agencies involved in stewardship of our natural lands
  • Research, education, communications, policy development, legislative issues

Ecology as a Career (Ecological Society of America)


  • Colleges and universities; government agencies such as the USDA, FDA, EPA, Fish and Wildlife, Forest Service
  • Private industry, including chemical, seed, and biotech companies

Education, Extension and Outreach

Career Services
Resources for students and alumni of Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences >

A sampling of jobs in plant health:

> Franklin Park Conservatory

> Cleveland Botanical Garden

> Davey Tree Expert Careers

USDA Agricultural Research Service
> View all openings on USAJOBS (Includes jobs with a range of degree requirements.  You  can also search by agency and/or location)

AgHires posts jobs from employers in agriculture, food production bioscience, horticulture and related fields: